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Hi everyone, 

I've started (almost) falling behind with my weekly status reports, but I'm gonna try to avoid that happening! I'll keep this one super-short because this weeks I've been very focused on writing, making slow but constant progress (at least slower than I'd like, but that's always the case).

I'm finishing writing Ian's part, one major scene and a few secondary ones remain, and I'll start writing Lena's part as soon as I'm done with that. So far the written content is as long as the entire Chapter 5, so this one will also be a chunky update. 

I finally have some completed artwork, and that boosts my morale too. I took note of your observations about Emma's illustration and you were right, as sexy as she looked with that defined musculature, Emma's a bit chubbier than that. My colorist did a great job rendering those volumes, but I softened them down so they correspond to the character as seen on her sprite.




Yearly updates…


That emma outfit if one of my favorites in the game so far... only one I think competes with it is Cindys outfit she wore for Wades birthday party.

Brother Bethor

Yeah, Cindy's dress was really amazing. I hope that Lena will get one just as great as that.