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A quick update:

This past week hasn't been the most productive. I took a quick trip to Paris to attend the Tool concert, which was really nice, but that kept me away from the computer. I used this time to keep elaborating on Chapter's 10 plot, mapping out in further detail some scenes and character interactions (how to structure the action and choices, and which themes should be present in dialogues and such). I want to start writing next week, and switch between that and drawing.

I've completed a few more illustrations and the colorist is working on them. I'm pretty happy with how they're turning out, which is consistent with the drawings I've been producing lately. This time I've tackled some of the most visually complex images to date, and you'll see why in due time! Lately I've been taking too much time deciding on which base images to use for the drawings, and that's something I need to speed up, but I'm really trying to use the perfect reference picture for what I have in mind. 

Other than that, just a reminder that this next week will be the last one to submit your entries for the 5th anniversary fan-art contest. The winner gets a cameo in ORS, and I will also be opening the tier for some additional cameos soon, so if you're interested in that let me know through PM. I will make a specific post about that soon. 

It's back to work now!




Just out of curiosity, how long is the series gonna be?


If I remember correctly, we are about half the way inside the Story, chapter 9 or 10 might be the climax (if following the classic structure of a drama).

Brother Bethor

I hope you had a wonderful time at the concert. Tool is a perfect band for Ian since he likes prog metal.