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Hi guys,

First of all I want to thank you for your overwhelmingly positive feedback you gave me in my last post. As some of you said, reworks usually aren't too popular and kill momentum, and they're not especially enjoyable from a development point of view (at least in my case). ORS was well  received as it was, but aside from some glaring issues that needed to be corrected, I felt like there were many things that needed to be improved upon.

 I could've kept pushing forward with new updates, but to me the final quality of the game is more important than financial gain and that's why I decided to take this route. Your good will is as important to me, and that's why I will also keep working hard to keep it. 

That said, I can finally see the finish line! I'm currently finishing reviewing Chapter 9, and after that all that remains is assembling all the different pieces and polishing some technical and game-play issues. And testing everything extensively, of course.

The thing with this episodic release schedule means that I rarely get the chance to stop and go over what I've written. All books go through extensive revisions before they're published, but everything you see from me is basically a first draft. Add to that the branching and interactive nature of the project, and the fact that it's being built chunk by chunk, and I'm honestly surprised it's been working out the way it has! But upon revision I see so many things that could've been done better. I'm also learning as I go, and I always strive to improve.

But I'm well aware perfection y the enemy of progress and I'm eager to finish this off, just like you are. The wait is almost over, and I hope it will be worth it. Meanwhile, go check my friend's project Lust Campus, I've talked about it before and they just released their next chapter! 




Wait will chapter 9 be new content or is chapter 9 the remake?


Chapter 9 is what we have playable already. But technically with this remake everything is kind of sort of new?


I would say that you should take every X month a "pause" to rework / review some part. At least it's clear for everyone, there is one month every X month where there is no release, but a rework / rethink / re-whatever. If you keep a good balance, then on the overall project, it's a benefit. (I would say every 5 or 6 months, you take some time to review what you've done and change what you wanted) Therefore if you have to finish something to deliver on time but you're not 100% happy with it, you can put a note somewhere, to tackle that during your "rework month"


Absolutely. I've been saying as much for a while now. Would allow Eva to keep the "free flow writing" whilst taking some time to review the plot and get some general sense of direction once in a while. Something like every 3 updates ? Or 2, depending on the size. Plus it'd recharge her creative juices, and allow her to slow down a lil bit for a month. It's no good always trying to rush things.


Lumin, that is what I am asking myself: Will get Chapter 9 a new spin because of changes in predecessors, or is chapter 9 the fixpoint after which all changes are orientated. But please, no spoilers, I can't wait to find out myself :) .


"recharge her creative juices" - well, only if she has not much to fine-tune. On the other hand, a fixed rework-shedule might interrupt her flowing juices and be contra-productive. In my creative part of my work, I sit for hours in front of a "blank page", but if i get creative finally, I sometime work from dusk till dawn and hate fixed "go to bed"-points at 2 a.m.