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Hey guys,

here's your weekly development update. I can't report much without spoiling things, but as you know I've been going over the scripts adding and tweaking stuff. Stan's part is done, and also most of what I wanted to revamp. All the new art is almost completed too, everything has been drawn and colored and I just need to go over what's left to be  finalised (lights, shadows, backgrounds and ambient light).

As you can see in the above image, the graphical quality of the game has been improving quite a lot since the first chapters, and there were some illustrations I had to re-do. It's almost comical how bad the old version of Ian and Lena's first kiss looks compared to the new one... I feel this depiction makes the moment much better justice. A few other illustrations have received the same treatment, and new ones have been added.

Other than that, I just need to finish the last change I've been wanting to made: a new prologue to the game, since I've been feeling dissatisfied with the current start to the game for a while. I feel it's a bit bland and boring, and it could convey the game's mechanics in a better way. Once that's done and all the pieces are put together, it's revision and debugging time and then we can launch the polished version of ORS and keep moving forward with chapter 10!




That's some beautiful art! Did Ian become shorter or Lena taller now?


Wow, this is unbelieveable! Lena looks - wow! She was beautiful, but maybe a little bit abstract before, but now... . Her eyes have improved much, also the small shade between eyes and ears. is nice, but most of all: I love the new hair! This lightning, the colour-shades, it looks alive, healthy, springy. Even the colour is better, not so grayish-blue, but blacker. I almost have its smell in my nose and can see how she put it back with her hands just a second ago. Ian on the other hand - well, yeah, he also looks better, but who cares ;) . But he has gotten a little different look: The dimple on his nose gives it another anatomic desing, it looks bigger and more uneven. Not shure if the shade between his eye and ear is right there, but.. who cares ;) ?! The shadows on is neck next to his top looks very good. But Lena - wow! I remember my scepticism when switching from GGGB to ORS: "It looks so real, I wonder if it is too real to be a good fiction and to allow your fantasy to engage". How wrong I was :D . Right now, I fear the same, but I am sure, I am wrong again :D Just wondering if this perfection in your pictures is part of your burnout and release-circle-prolongation. Must take a lot of additional time than the former version. Or has your skill risen that much that it fully compensates the additional time consumption for this new level? But I have to contradict you in one aspect: The old version does not look bad! It might be not as perfect as the new one ;) , but I really liked it and it is still far better than the work of many other artists. But yeah, the new one is a little ;) more perfect :) . About the prologue: To any developer other than Eva Iwould say: Oh no, don't change it. It might be a bit boring, but it is special and underlines that the game is not all about one senseless sex scene after another and the intellectual aspiration of the game. I don't think you can do any better, but you might make it more trivial, interchangeable and blunt. To Eva: Go on, I am looking forward to your change. I can not imagine any better intro, but I am sure you will surprise me in a very good way! :D