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Hi everybody, 

These status reports haven't been too consistent lately, but at least I can assure you work on Chapter 9 is not stopping. I'm tackling the writing bit by bit, trying to portray in the most entertaining way possible the ideas I have in mind for this part of the story. I'm hitting some difficult spots, but when that happens I switch to working on the art for a while, editing the pictures the colorist has been sending me. After 8 chapters I think I've finally found the techniques that better suit this art-style, and I'm pretty happy with how the illustrations are turning out! I wish I could show you some, but you'll have to wait until the chapter releases...

I've also been working with the programmer and I'm happy to say that we finally have implemented a scene gallery! It was about time... And an official Android port is almost here, too, which was long overdue as well! I'm also really happy with some of the upgrades we've made to the UI, they are simple things but to me it makes a lot of difference, like adding animation to the phone menu, fixing the frame rates of stat pop-ups and making the stats quick-view bar visible at all times if you so chose.  

Again, thank you for all your patience, this Summer is being rather chaotic but my focus is set on making the best possible update, as always. I hope these character cards I came up with serve as a small entertainment while you wait, and I'll get back to you with more news soon!




May I take the image you chose to share as a hint that Cherry will be more present at chapter 9? Haha, just kidding, but I'd love to see more content with her. After Cindy, she is the character with my favorite interactions with Ian.


I wanna ask 'when' (like it's a sure thing and bound to happen) but since there's been barely any hints that this'll happen, when is Stan gonna have a go with Lena? Personally I think it should've happened either during the first nude photo shoot or when she danced for him. Hell, even when she found him whacking it to her photos! There's something about a guy being blessed with fucking a girl way out of his league that is not only commical but also well deserved. Everyone supports and underdog like 'you go son! I can't believe it but well done!' Also, it gives the rest of us hope hahah!


Hehe, also have thought about it and kind of like the scare of thinking about Stan getting his handy on my precious Lena. But do you really think this should happen that early? I don't see it happen in a very loving way - maybe more as a payment for a very needed photoshoot when there is no money for a professional. Or out of alcohol. Or as a bribe for the witness of a night with Jeremy. But this would need time to evolve - and even if not: Why shorten the time of anticipation? "it gives the rest of us hope" - I totally get what you mean and sympathise with you. But out of mutual desire, this would only be possible if his charter would change a lot. Sad, but true, I fear.