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Chapter 9 will feature 2 new backgrounds. Or, more precisely, will feature a new background and retroactively add another one:

The amount of backgrounds is always a limiting factor when writing scenarios for the game, and they take time and are expensive to produce. This means I have to work with limited resources, which can make some scenes look out of place from time to time. This was my impression with the shopping scene in Chapter 8, where I could only show the main street background as the girls bounced from store to store. I felt having a shopping mall background adds to the experience and opens up new possibilities, since it's a place that the player will be visiting several times during the game, so I thought it was worth it to invest in getting it done.

About the other one, I'll let you speculate for now!




My guess is Cindy's. There looks to be a couple's photo by the bed's side.


Okay, I'm seeing a "Live, Laugh, Love" poster so my first thought is which character is the most basic of the bunch. Lmao


Cindy defintley lol, dont get me wrong its not a bad thing but other than Lena if you go down that sort of path works with that cliche, i cant see any of the others having one lol