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Hello everybody! I've been a bit disconnected these past few days, but work never stops. Chapter 8 is finally wrapped up and I've already started work on Chapter 9.

  • Right now I'm in the early stages, structuring the plot and deciding which scenes to develop, choosing the reference images and building the internal structure (story beats, poses, choices, etc.) 
  • I've already completed around 20 drawings and sent them to my colorist. This update will probably feature the largest amount of illustrations so far, so I'll try to look for and hire an artist to help me with the line-work this time. If I find someone suitable I will be able to produce even more drawings per chapter, let's see how that goes.
  • I've designed several new outfits for some characters.
  • I've commissioned 5 new music pieces for the game's OST. I can't wait to see how those turn out.
  • I'm also looking further into a Steam release and optimal Android port, but those are being harder to sort out than I thought. I'll keep you posted on those fronts.
  • I'm preparing some WIP and behind the scenes stuff for Chapter 8, last time I showed you the process behind the creation of some scenes and you seemed to enjoy it. I'll post those in the following days/weeks.

Sorry if I'm still a bit absent these days, after Chapter 8 I needed to take things easy for a bit to relax and focus on the creative process for Chapter 9, but I'll try to post some fun or relevant stuff for you guys in here. I'm really hyped to create Chapter 9 and I want to release it as soon as I'm able! 




It would be good if you can get the game on steam it would open the game up to a wider consumer base


As a black man can we get more romance with lena and jeremy, not just him being fetishized but a real romantic intrest, it's just sad that we haven't seen that yet.


I can support this and concur with you, most black male characters are fetishized not a love / romantic interest, only game that has something that could lead to being romantic is DmD