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The final element I think is making the production of the game is how I try to mix the writing with the gameplay. This is a Visual Novel and I try to make it as interactive as I can manage, and often times that means that I end up biting almost more than I can chew, pushing my limits update after update.

But I’m not referring to just quantity of available paths and variables at play. I try to integrate the gameplay and the experience in a way that has substance and feels engaging. I have a good example of that: In chapter 7 Lena has to decide what are her feelings for Ian: does she sees him as a simple friend with benefits or maybe she’s starting to feel something more? When I wrote the update, this choice happened the morning after they slept together, while Lena was working at the café and reminiscing about it. The choice was presented during her inner monologue, but this felt kinda lazy and mechanical and uninteresting. While going over the chapter, I realized there was a much better way to implement that choice: during the actual sex scene with Ian, in the end, Lena could choose to snuggle up with Ian, acting on her feelings and confirming them, or just go to sleep, showing a colder, less romantic attitude. This way the choice was integrated in the scene and felt more meaningful and symbolic, rather than having a de-contextualized menu elsewhere. So I had to go and scrap what I had written and re-do that particular monologue and set of choices. Maybe these kind of details don’t seem too important, but they are to me.

Something similar happens with character interactions. The draft says these characters need to have a date or conversation in this chapter, so it leads to a sex scene. But what do they talk about? What information do I give to the player that’s new, relevant, interesting to read and that develops the characters and allows you to know more about them? That’s not always easy and sometimes struggle to come up with something worthwhile that makes the character feel like characters, and not just empty plot devices that lead to kinky scenes.

Sometimes I think I make things more complex than they have to be, but I’m trying to learn how to balance stuff. In any case, this is how I like to craft my VN’s, and I’ll keep doing it. I just wish I could do it faster!

Why is it taking so long? (1)

Why is it taking so long? (2) 




Hi Mac, I think, I understand your point of view, but I wanna add another piece from a different perspective. In "regular" visual novels (more sex-driven, less life-like, less developed characters, less consequent decisions), I would totally agree with you. Before I press "Decision A", I do want to completely understand what it stands for. Not what consequences it brings, but what intention of the character will be expressed though it. If I misinterpreted it, I go back and re-choose. But in Eva's more "living" game, I feel a certain amount of uncertainty is quite interesting. Because it reminds me that it is not me myself putting on a female body (Lena) and *playing as her*, but it's only me *guiding* Lena through her decision. So when discovering the meaning of her choice-options after the decision is made, I discover a bit of her (and of course Eva's) thinking that led to this description. Additionally, some meanings and intentions may even be hidden for Lena herself, so this also brings in a part of a subconciousness. For the cuddling-decision, this means to me: Maybe Lena does not even know by herself if she is in love with Ian, but maybe the good sex in combination with the cuddling makes her fall in love *afterwards* or helps her realizing it. So the decision may not be a hidden "Do I love him?", but just a simple "Do I want to cuddle?" and for Lena, concious or subconcious, this might later on translate to "Oh, I realize, because of my wish to cuddle with him, I am in love with him". Hope, I could explain my feelings a little. In other, less "psychological" novels, I think of unclear decisions as a sign of a lack of the author's craftmanship, but here, where the characters seem to have have a deeper mind, it just adds another layer of getting to know the characters. There are some other points in the game where you rather make a subconcious decision: "Calling Lena now or later?" for example: "I" called later and found out, "me" and Lena did not come together. Wow, liked it! While choosing I thought "I want her, but let's not rush things", but hey, thats what you do when you have not fallen in love with somebody. There is one downside for my with Eva's games, though: Playing most of the other "will you sleep with the blond or brown girl?" - "will you do it nice or bad?" now does feel a littel two-dimensional despite them sporting 3D-characters ;) .

Kurt Wagner

These posts jus reassure me more and more that this wait is worth it. I no longer feel impatient toward a release. I've reached a zen level of patience because I KNOW the wait is worth it. We look forward to your work, whenever it will be ready.