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A while ago I gave a shout out to Lust Campus, a new and very promising Visual Novel created by the duo at Redlolly. They just released Chapter 3, so go give it a try if you haven't done so yet, and consider supporting them. If you like female POV games, high-quality 2D graphics and redheads, you'll definitely love this one. Check them out here.

In Lust Campus you play as Alice, a young girl who's just arrived in the big city to try to make her father's dream come true, but the adventure will lead her to experience things that she would never have thought.
In this multi-adventure erotic graphic novel, you will be Alice, an architecture student. Through her you will be able to see what it is like to survive life on campus, with the love, erotic discoveries and problems that this entails. Will you be able to achieve your goals? Or maybe along the way you will discover that your destination lies elsewhere?




Lust Campus is very promising, and you can already fulfill fantasies which are normally unattainable. Such as finding living arrangements for a low rent with normal roommates close by campus.


I'm still waiting for the cheap course books though. That would be lewd.


The dude with the sunglasses looks like the type of guy who sneaks in a finger up your butt during a threesome :P Neat art though.