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During this week I've been mainly focusing on finishing as many drawings as possible.

  • All main scenes are drawn and sent to the colorist. There's around 15 scenes, some shorter, some long and detailed, and with different flavors, just like in past updates. There's one or two scenes I'd still like to include in this chapter but we'll see if they make it in as production continues.
  • Still some drawings left to do for secondary scenes or assets, but I will get to that during the writing process. I've also finished the cameo sprites for patrons.
  • My plan is to start writing this coming week. I'll give you more details about that in the next update.

If you want a more detailed explanation of the drawing process I've been following these weeks check out my last posts about the creation of Chapter's 7 illustrations! Other than that, I'll keep working on Chapter 8. I feel like I'm keeping a good pace, but the hardest part starts now. Let's see how the writing comes along!




Be in good shape and take a rest every 45 minutes ! Permission to spin on the pole! And new ideas will definitely appear! Ha-ha!


I think you definitely should include those 2 scenes you mentioned.