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Second week of development on Chapter 8 is in the books. 

  • I've been focusing on drawing the main scenes for this update, and I have completed 6 out of 8. There are also other smaller scenes, which I've also been working on. There are 3 additional scenes that I'd like to include, but that will depend on how the development progresses.
  • I've produced around 50 drawings so far, not counting variations and add-ons. 
  • This stage of drawing is also when the structure of the scenes is decided, what will happen, how many illustrations will the scene have, what poses and choices will the player get... When it's time to write the game I have already decided how the scenes will play out, and I use the drawings to guide my writing, so it's important to take time to make sure they are interesting. 

I always feel that I'm lagging behind but I think work is progressing nicely so far. The colorist is already working on the drawings I have completed and I'm looking to finish almost all important drawings next week, so I can start writing the chapter in week 4. As allways, I'll keep you posted!




I also feel, for example, the need to eat something delicious! Although as luck would have it, such food is considered harmful to health! About the perspective of the game! For a short time the music played and Lena gave in to the persuasions of her friend, tried to diversify her personal life ! At the same time, the path of rapprochement with Ian seems more stretched and slow than with Robert! Robert can be the first to get close to Lena! Lena is not going to the party with Ian's friends yet! And Robert wants everything now and at once, so he can in the future brazenly drag her to a party, and to a joint vacation, and bring her to the state of a sex slave ! It would be nice to see it someday! In general, I am ready to swallow everything that the cute author will bring on a platter!


I'm wondering how wild this story is going to get compared to GGGB ... Just thinking of Tyrone's Party, the gang stuff or what you could do to poor Eric 😅