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Finally, Chapter 7's development cycle has finished and now a new one begins. This is my favourite chapter from any I've done before and I'm really proud of how it turned out, a ton of hours and hard work went into it and I want to keep making ORS better and better.

I want to release an Android port as soon as possible, but I haven't found someone who can really help me with that yet. Please, if you're knowledgeable in the matter and can offer some support, send me a message through Discord

These past few days I've been working like a madman on the video trailer for ORS and it's finally done. I think it turned up pretty cool, especially considering how quickly I've put it together, but I can't afford to waste much time on that having Chapter 8 in front of me.

I'll show you the trailer very soon!

Remember, the tier re-structuring will be applied during this coming week.

With that said, I'll get to work on Chapter 8 asp!



Ivrione Moonshadow

I am always impressed with your games and this time was no different. I see you added a subtle nod to those looking for Trans content with Perry's conversation. I was hoping for a few more open minds, but what can you do? I suppose it is a lot like real life in that regard. Even people who are allies probably use less friendly terms amongst friends when no trans people are around. My ideal path still remains having a poly relationship with Ian, Holly, and Lena. I have no idea if that is in the cards but... wow that would be awesome! The inherent "sneakiness" of Lena and Ian around Holly (I could just have missed options) makes me feel really bad as I genuinely love her character but also really like Lena and Ian, too. And Lena and Holly. And Ian and Holly. Ugh! Having to decide that is going to be rough if it comes to a head more than it does in the hotel! I feel like I might see where you have things positioned with Lena's parents now that you've introduced what their professions were, but I'm not sure. I certainly think it would make for an interesting development and resolve some of the issues at play with at least 4 characters. Anyway, thank you to yourself and your team for producing some truly great content! <3

Matt Gorman

I didn't actually like Cindy from the start (thought she was a bitch.) But she IS hot and when that pussy is available you agree to go for it.


Totally agree with you on the Lena, Holly and Ian relationship. Maybe if you are in a love relationship with Lena and Ian, they can choose to include Holly because she is so damn lovable and cute. And if the relationship is more sneaky and lust-based, Holly is a perfect target for them to corrupt.