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Hello everyone! 

February just wrapped up and it has been a good month ORS! The community and the game keep growing, slowly but steadily, and I'm really happy to see that. Chapter 7 has been released and it's on it's final development cycle prior to the Final version. It seems you guys really liked it and it has set a record for me on many levels as a developer, and I can say I'm proud of how ORS is turning out. 

So, what's next?

First of all, Chapter 7 Final, which will be released this next Saturday. I've already began development on Chapter 8, but there are a few other tasks I have been taking care of. All my time and focus has been put on developing ORS chapter after chapter, and I've been putting off some important stuff regarding the game and the business.

Thanks to Lara's help, we now have a running page on itch.io (finally!) for both ORS and GGGB. For now people can download the free demos there, and I might upload the full game for purchase down the line. Please drop by and leave some comments and ratings, if you feel inclined! That will surely help the community grow.

I'm also looking into publishing ORS on Steam, but it seems that's not exactly straight forward and I have to devote some time to that, too. Step by step. My Patreon page will always be my top priority. 

I'm also working on a video trailer for the game, something I've been wanting to do for a long time. I hope it doesn't take me too much time, but it's not a priority, so I'll be working on it on and off while I develop Chapter 8.

And regarding Chapter 8, when will it be released? I've always worked within a monthly cycle for releases, but the amount of work needed to create a chapter of ORS to the level of quality I want has proven quite intense. My intention was to switch to bi-monthly releases, but making Chapter 7 has taken even longer than that. The only thing I can say right now is that new ORS chapter will be releases once they're ready, but my goal will always be to push a new chapter out every two months, if possible, and try my best to avoid reaching the three month's mark. So, in short, between two and three months. I hate taking this long (I'd like to pump a chapter each month, I have so many ideas and the best moment of the month is when you guys get to play it and I read your opinions and reviews), but I won't compromise my vision and the quality I want ORS to have, to create something you guys will love and I can be proud of.

And finally, I talked a few weeks ago about a change in currency and tier re-structuring. A while ago Patreon allowed creators to get paid in Euros instead of Dollars. Since I'm European and current politics are screwing up the rates, plus the currency exchange fee they demand from me, I've decided to finally switch to Euro. And I'll use this chance to re-structure the current tiers, since some of them still make references to GGGB benefits and I'm not happy with the value they offer right now. I've been postponing it as much as possible, especially with Christmas being on the way, but I feel now's the right time.

I'll make a detailed post about the new tier structure in the following days, but down't worry, your current benefits won't change. 

So, once again, thank you so much for supporting me and I look forward to keep giving you stuff you can really enjoy! 




I really hope in the end Ian would be able to get both Lena and Nora, yet slightly cuckolded by their temptations of Jeremy's BBC, which Ian will not be mind against allowing them to have sex with this black dude in front of him. My 2 cents


I am going with Cindy. Sorry, guess my friendship with Wade is over.