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Wade is not exactly unattractive, but it's mentioned hes been neglected his physique these past few years (among many other things). This became especially apparent when Ian saw him wearing this shirt... But the way he is slouching forward is a bit too much!

I've been unhappy with Wade's sprite for a while, since his body position looked akward and stupid. It worked somewhat with his normal outfit, but it looked too weird with the new one! I had been wanting to fix it for a while and finally found the time. The new sprites will be implemented in Chapter 7 Final, including a new small sex scene and (if I'm able) a cool extension to one of the already existing.

Chapter 7 final should be out in one week approximately. Meanwhile you can play the Beta here! 




A question about Wade's appearance? According to the text, Wade does not play sports, usually sits at video games in a bent position and does all sorts of bad things! That's right, the appearance corresponds to the lifestyle! But these are details! And most importantly: the game develops like real life ! People love one person, fuck others, and marry others or not of their own free will ! A whirl of passion, pain , frustration and suffering! And no one is to blame! Interestingly, in the credits there was a badge with two rings-so it is possible to conclude a marriage ? But if the author fully reveals this topic, then in this genre he will deserve an Oscar!