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Yesterday I finally finished writing all the scenes for Chapter7! Now I'm working on finishing off all the illustrations and getting some bug-testing and proofreading done. Is everything goes according to plan, I'll be able to release the Alpha for Chapter 7 this coming Saturday (or maybe Sunday, to give the proofreader some extra time, since I'm pushing everyone right now).

As I promised, I'll show you some new sneak peeks while you wait these final days before release. 

So far you've seen the new outfits for Lena and the background for a new location you'll be visiting in this chapter:

You can see them in our Discord Channel.

And also a juicy pic from your favourite girl, Cindy:

This time I'm showing you a new side-character that will appear during chapter 7. His name's Billy and he could stir things up in interesting ways in the future!




Cindy, playing billiards, misses and hits the ball on the man's ass! Ouch! Sorry! I wanted to hit the balls ! The man shuddered and muttered: no, it's better on the ass!!! By the way ! Sandy is rated 5 out of 5 !!!


I am already listening to this game, it is so nice and erotic