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Hello guys! I hope you had a nice Holiday. Christmas celebrations finally finished a couple days ago in my country and I can get back to work on my usual schedule (which means no real schedule, to be honest). I haven't had the chance to work as much as I'd like the past week, but I still got some stuff done.

  • I have several illustrations completely ready, and as you can see in the picture down below, the art is reaching new levels of quality! I've spent quite some time polishing the base colors Lenadai sends me, adding rim lights and other details, and I have the best looking art I've created for the game so far. Of course I can't show you much, but you'll have to believe me... At least I'm super happy with the results so far.
  • I'm continuing to work on some additional drawings that need to be made. There's a particularly tricky scene that I have yet to figure out to know what drawings I should really make for it, and another one I'm postponing because I need to get the reference material myself. But most of the drawings are already completed and sent to the colorist.
  • I've created two new character sprites. You'll have to wait to see who they are.
  • Art for the new backgrounds is underway and looking really good, as usual!
  • I've finally managed to structure all the scenes in the chapter and done some writing on a few scenes. 
  • Also solved some bugs present in Chapter 6 and went over a few typos.

About the release date, I'm aiming for the first week of February, but it's tentative. I have been working on a monthly update basis up to Chapter 5, but the amount of work and increasing of quantity and quality makes this production cycle impossible. I'd rather release a good update with a good amount of gameplay and story progression that makes sense and is satisfying rather than releasing smaller, chopped up chapters. After Chapter 5, my idea was to switch to a bi-monthly release schedule, and that's still the goal I'm pushing for. However, the amount of illustrations and the complexity of the writing and story structuring is a real challenge, and I don't want to release something that's not ready.

So, I'll promise to work as hard as I can and hopefully deliver Chapter 7 as soon as possible. If I could I would publish a Chapter each week, because I'm the one who's most excited about pumping out content and moving forward (I have so many cool ideas planned) but sadly creating stuff takes time. I hope the new chapter will be worth the wait!

Also, I wanted to use this post to talk about a change in tiers I've been wanting to do for a while now, and I'm thinking on implementing this February. Some tiers need tweaking, since they offer rewards tied to GGGB's development cycle, but the main change will be setting the currency in Euros. It makes sense since I'm European and this would save me some unnecessary fees amongst other advantages. This shouldn't be a direct inconvenience to your pledges, but it might slightly increase the price of the higher ones. Anyways, we'll discuss this further down the line, but feel free to let me know your thought and opinions.




Just had time to finish the latest update. Really loved it, keeps getting better. One small feedback i would love is some sort of "scenes viewer", where you could unlock the more spicy scenes and return to them later! I understand if it doesn't have the highest priority but would love that down the line!!


Actually, I am also in the Eurozone (remembering Europe is bigger ;-)), and when I am billed, I am already billed in EUR, because Patreon sees it, so I would say in a way that change has already been made for the "patrons" from the Eurozone, so, I am not sure if there will be any real impact even for the ones from outside the Eurozone.