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Week two of development for Chapter Seven is wrapping up. I'm still on the first step of the pipeline, which is creating all of the drawings for the new update.

  • Last week I completed 5 scenes, and this week I have added 5 more. There's a total count of 10 scenes and 50 illustrations, plus a few variations and two animations.  I'm really happy with how the images are turning out and I think this is my best line-work to date. I'm producing drawings at a rate my colorist is having trouble to manage, so adding someone else to the team is highly likely when I can afford to do so. 
  • Done some research gathering to design new outfits and to plan the artwork for new scenes. As I continue to gather materials, I'm coming up with new scenes and adding this to this update. 4 characters than I wasn't sure would get a scene in this chapter will end up getting one. New customization options coming, too. 
  • Did some minor writing for a couple scenes or paragraphs that were very clear in my head while working in the plot outline. 
  • Commissioned 2 new backgrounds and 2 variations of an existing one. I want to expand the world and scenarios of the game, to get more variety and interesting situations.

There's still a ton of work to do, but I think I'm making good progress. 50 new illustrations are completed in the span of 2 weeks or so, and Chapter Seven mybe will beat my previous records, which was Chapter Six with a whooping total of 80 new illustrations. GGGB had around 30-40 new illustrations per chapter at it's peak, so I'm really pleased with the increase of both quantity and quality. 

I'll keep you posted as work progresses!



Matt Gorman

I liked in at least the way I played Lena not only let, but asked Ian to bang her in the ass.


Dont think you should hire another colorist, i Think its more impotant that you have consistansy in your art.