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Hello! I've decided I will post weekly status reports on Chapter 7's progress.

I started work on this new chapter as soon as the Alpha for Chapter 6 was published. I've been making good progress on these tasks:

  • Basic plot outline and structure are established. These are alwyas subject to change while I work on them and sometimes I add some scenes that weren't planned or I'm forced to cut some due to time constraints or because they're replaced or will fit better further down the line. I'm looking forward to ass as much content as possible on this chapter.
  • I've designed new outfits for 3 NPCs.
  • I've finished drawing 5 new scenes, 16 new drawings plus several variations and one animation.
  • I'm almost done drawing one of the big scenes of this new chapter, 9 of 12 drawings total are completed. I think this will be the scene with more illustrations so far, and will have 1 or 2 animations.

I should finish this scene in the next couple days (a lot of care is being put into these new drawings) and continue drawing new outfits and scenes. I have a ton of things planned and artwork is the first thing I need to take care of in the pipeline, so I can send them to the colorist so she works on them while I tackle the script, which I'll do in a few weeks, when most of the art is done.

Do you enjoy these weekly reports? Would you like me to do them more than once a week?




Weekly report is nice and all and might be better to help increase the number of your Patreon but it might also put pressure on you so don’t feel obliged to it,


weekly reports would be great! loving the game.