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Continuing with the commentary on the theme of both games, I felt I could pinpoint a few of those particular themes that rose to my attention while I was working on GGGB. The nature of my first game didn’t allow me to explore those themes with the depth I would’ve liked, since I had to take care of a lot of possible branches, but I wanted to give myself that chance with ORS.

If you’re a bit perceptive you might already know what particular themes are those. In GGGB Ashley could, through the pictures she uploaded in social media, end up dipping her toes in the modelling business, even becoming a cam girl at some point, but that was never integral to the story. I tried to do that in ORS, where Lena starts as an amateur model, and her reasons to delve in that world and make her presence known in social media are not only to fulfill a simple yearning for popularity and notoriety, as was Ash’s case. Also, being integral to Lena’s development, social media, modelling and all the stuff that can be derived from it will have a major impact on the narrative, while in GGGB it felt a bit like its own, separate storyline.

Arthur was the main villain in GGGB, but his motivations were very narrow in scope, and only involved himself and his twisted fantasies. Ethan has also potential to become a very interesting villain, but his role was confined to Ashley’s mom side of the story. But what if I combined both men and created an antagonist that delves in corruptionand has the power and the brains to really get what he wants? Well, you can surely imagine who that character would be.

Dave and Eric, and even Jack in some sense, were also very interesting to me as characters. The first two, especially, were young men trying to figure out what they wanted to do in life, pursuing their not-so-easy-to-achieve dreams and trapped in the flux of rocky relationships with the girls that surrounded them. They got themselves into hot situations, into fights, into traps and betrayals and more... I tried to make their struggles and adventures relevant, but of course I was very limited since they were NPCs. Adding a male POV would also allow me to develop and explore those themes in a much more fun way.

There are more themes that crossed over from GGGB into ORS, some others are new, but my goal is to delve deeper into all of them to make a more impactful, engaging and meaningful gaming experience. Do you feel this is the case so far? Which other themes you think exist in GGGB and ORS and how you think they’re being treated differently?

Other posts on GGGB vs ORS series:


Main Characters






One of the themes I felt you’ve really dove into with gusto with ORS is the idea that smaller actions can have repercussions not just for one’s self, but for everyone around that person. With GGGB Ashley might make a big choice that could bring some of her friends down with her, or might help raise them up depending on the player choices. However, with ORS there’s a very natural and enjoyable flow to smaller choices that I really enjoy, and is well reflected by the ☹ / 😊 system in place. Things like Perry getting annoyed down the line if you the player dodged his question inquiring about Lena early on in the game; Perry sharing with Ian after dinner with his parents if Lena’s food service was up to par (again, based on player choice as to whether or not Lena was busy providing other “service” to Robert or not that evening); Ian’s level of attention or lack thereof towards Holly and/or Lena being reflected later in the dinner get together that Lena, Holly and Louise/Ivy end up having, with Holly either being excited about the interest Ian showed in her, disappointed he isn’t showing interest, and then Lena’s own possible guilt if you the player had them pursuing something with Ian as well. Things like that. Most player Choice Games explore that idea of Big Impactful Moments, and ORS has those as well. But I really enjoy how you give the player the smaller decisions made that may subtly influence events later on in smaller ways, and reverberate around the interactions of the whole cast; much the same way they would amongst such a group of friends in real life.


for sure a development could be a stable throuple between Ian, Lena and Holly given the affinity between the three. it would be also more interesting if there are obstacles/resistances to overcome.