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It's finally done!

The Alpha for Chapter 6 is out for +$20 patrons. You can download it here

Working on Chapter 6 has been a very big challenge. It packs the most content and art from all the updates I've ever produced, and I'm very proud of the result. I hope you guys enjoy it and to have made your wait worthwhile.

I've tried to make the story and character interactions advance and some are already ripe, while others are steadily moving to their climax. I think Chapter 6 will feature a couple of very anticipated scenes, some of which can be rather unexpected... And also it includes that big surprise I've been teasing these past couple of days, and it's something long-time patrons will surely enjoy.

The Beta should be out in three or four days, when further bug-testing is done, but this Alpha  is way more polished than usual, since I wanted to make sure you get to experience the game in the best state possible on your first play through.

Thanks for your support ans as always, stay tuned! 




This new chapter is completely amazing, Lena has lost control and I'm listing Joy Division !! Thanks for your work !!

Mr. Palmer

Hmmm... Jeremy has Lena’s number now... sounds like some real mischief is on the horizon. In Jeremy’s mind any girl who isn’t officially a girlfriend is fair game, and my Lena isn’t ready to take that leap with Ian, so... drama awaits.