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It's been a while since Good Girl Gone Bad was finished and Our Red String started development. Looking back on my first game and deeper into the second one, I can't help but compare them and see what lessons I can extract from thet.

The structure and gameplay mechanics in ORS are very similar to the ones in GGGB. The focus was to create an interactive story where the player can influence the plot through several narrative choices. I wanted him to feel he had the power to actually shape the story in a meaningful way, that his actions have a clear effect not only on the outcome of the plot but on the characters themselves.  And I wanted to trim all the fat from the experience: no stat grinding, no pointless roaming around and no cumbersome game play cycle. Just a streamlined and engaging story that moved forward and evolved with your choices.

GGGB was my first attempt at something like that and I had no real idea of what I was doing. All I knew was that I wanted to push the branching mechanics to the extreme and give the player as much sense of agency as possible. With that in mind I took the potential of a fairly bland starting point and pushed it in different directions, giving Ashley wildly different possibilities: she started as a fairly normal and innocent girl and could end up becoming a gang leader, dealing drugs and shooting people, and everything in between. The only real mechanic other than tracking the different choice variables was a simple Good vs Bad point system to help the player keep track of his standing, and those points interacted with the gameplay giving you access to special dialogue options and choices, similarly to Mass Effect.

ORS basically takes that system and builds upon it. Instead of a binary point system, now you have different stats and a complementary mechanic with Will points, implementing them to the gameplay in a more dynamic and intrinsic way. The backbone of the experience still is the choice-driven branching storyline, but this time, instead of pushing for the most outlandish variety possible, I wanted to explore choice and consequence on a deeper and more nuanced level. I’d say ORS is building up on what I learned with GGGB, a more mature and better structured version of what erotic VN storytelling is able to offer, but the motivation behind both games is practically the same.

What is your opinion on the matter? Do you think ORS improves on the gameplay compared to GGGB? And which approach do you enjoy more?




TL/DR both games are good, but for different reasons, once you have finished with ORS (although hopefully that is some considerable way off), I certainly wouldn’t object to another “open” game like GGGB. GGGB is much more “open” and you are freer to shape the character of Ashley, but I think that is largely because she is a blank slate to write on, still being in education and living at home, whereas Ian and Lena have already moved out which is something you don’t do in GGGB until much later. Ian/Lena also have more backstory with their friends and previous lovers, and in GGGB it is easier to blow off people you don’t want to care about. In ORS you are fairly heavily pushed towards getting Ian/Lena together, which I entirely approve of, but if you don’t want to pursue Lena you have to push away from her multiple times before Ian decides that there isn’t anything there for him. In ORS I particularly like is that some characters just don’t like each other, Louise/Stan, Louise/Ivy, Ian/Minerva. It would have been such a horrible cliché to have a path where Ian pisses off Minerva, and she summons him to her office and “forces” him to have sex with her, it is refreshing to just have someone hate someone else, and there isn’t much you can do beyond avoid invoking their wrath. That said it could be interesting if Minerva suddenly becomes interested in Ian should he make the right choices, and become successful, particularly if she is just using her female wiles to butter him up, and still can’t stand him. Mechanically ORS is much deeper than GGGB as that only has a simple good/bad tracker, and by and large, there don’t seem to be that many decisions which hinge on your choice (not that they don’t exist, just that there seem to be fewer of them), plus you can reverse direction fairly easily if you decide to change your outlook. In ORS I like the fact if you push certain attributes, it can lead to very different outcomes, like when you sketch Lena in the Nude, it can be a “bad” piece of art, or it can be decent (although I only ever achieved this on a cheat run through), I also liked that some conversations are opened up if you have the right attributes, such as being able to talk about Nietzsche with Mr. Ward, rather than him bringing it up. Graphically I much prefer the artwork of ORS to GGGB, I kind of had the misfortune of discovering ORS before GGGB, so when I came to play GGGB I kind of had to force myself through the first bit before the story began to intrigue me. That said once I looked past the graphics and became enmeshed in the story I really didn’t mind. I do like the body alteration you can do in GGGB, in ORS the only option I have seen so far is to get a navel piecing for Lena, I hope there will be more options going forward, although I appreciate that it must add significantly to the amount of art work required, it still is a very nice touch. One thing about GGGB that did slightly annoyed me, what that on the time when I pursed a “goody two shoes” path with Ashley, was that when Eric reappeared, I was made to feel bad for cheating on him, when obviously from my perspective I hadn’t, there was every reason to believe him to be dead, and while I can see that some people might think Ashley moved on with undue haste rather than grieving him, I don’t really see how anyone could claim faithlessness. Not a big deal really, but worth mentioning. Keep up the good work and looking forward to chapter 6.


Minerva forcing/blackmailing Ian in her office to pound him with a strap-on? Oh baby yes!


So what determines whether Jessica from GGGB is good or bad in ORS? Your last GGGB save or is there a dialogue choice I’m missing?