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When creating the story for ORS I realized that it was important to populate the world with all kind of characters to make the main character's environment feel rich and believable. I was aware of this fact working in GGGB already, but this time I knew not all characters had to be there just to provide a sexual fetish for the players.

Lena and Ian spend a lot of time in their work places and have families, just like most of us do. Those couldn't be simply presented as backgrounds, they had to have life added to them. And I would've liked to introduce more background characters to flesh this out, add another co-worker for Lena at the restaurant (she's mentioned at one point, her name's Samantha) and maybe other colleagues for Ian at the magazine or even at the gym. But my time and resources are limited and sometimes I have to prioritize which characters I will create graphical assets for and write appearances and interactions for, or I run the risk of stretching too thin and making the flow of the story and plot lines too cluttered.

This was the case when I came up with the Van Dykes, the lovely couple who run the café Lena works at. But same as with Robert, once you introduce these "background" characters you realize the potential they have (that's another reason why I try to be measured when introducing characters, because I end up wanting to develop sexy plot lines for them too). In this case, and considering how much people liked Arthur's character in GGGB, I saw in Ed good potential to introduce a somewhat morally questionable relationship with an older man for Lena. It's been already hinted at in the game, and I hope I can develop it satisfyingly, but right now I feel it can't be one of the main focus of the story, even though I have several ideas for it that I like. I want to flesh it out, but I can't let that take too much time off the other plot lines and characters, (there's a ton already!). 

We'll see how that ends up paying out as development progresses, but what do you guys think about Molly and specifically Ed? Let me know in the comments!




I think he should have a dark side like Arthur. Or he gradually becomes a sex fiend pushing the limits, because his business is in the toilet and it's his escape. Molly is doing something similar with another and they don't know but have suspicion, until they find out


Molly and ian maybe