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Hello guys,

I haven't posted any news about chapter 4 recently because progress is a bit slow. Chapter's 3 production dragged on a bit and work on Chapter 4 started with a bit of delay, and also it was a bit more difficult to come up with the outline for the plot points and scenes for this one. Don't worry too much though, it might take a bit longer than normal but work is underway: all the art has been completed and I've been tackling the writing these past few days.

Just so you know, this is how the production for one chapter of ORS plays out:

  • First, I have to decide what plot points I'm going to explore in this chapter and I plot out a script with all the scenes ordered by day and character: it's not always easy deciding what scene to add or how to present them in the right order, alternating between Ian and Lena so it makes sense chronologically and narration-wise.
  • Once that's done, I begin creating all the art that will be needed: new characters, outfits, sex scenes... First I do research and pick out the best reference photos to illustrate the scene I have in mind, decide how many illustrations I will use per scene and then proceed to draw them. This takes roughly 40% of the time used to develop a chapter.
  • I have to complete the art first and as soon as possible so the colorist has time to work on it. I also create briefings with reference images and descriptions for the new backgrounds that will be needed for this update and send those to the studio that takes care of that.
  • After that, I can start writing. I need to refresh my memory to be clear on what story threads and variables have been used and developed in the past chapter and start writing the script following the blueprint I plotted out at the beginning. This is the part of the process that takes the most time and it's the most organic: often new scenes develop as I'm writing the story, or characters act in a way I had not entirely foreseen. This is when the real creative process happens, since I have to develop and flesh out the scene and character interactions that were merely sketched out in the first step, and I also have to think how to implement the gameplay mechanics: when to add menus and choices, how to distribute skill points and come up with branching dialogues and scenarios.
  • During the writing the colorist sends back the illustrations and I give a final pass on them, tweaking details, adding light, backgrounds and a final layer of detail and polish. I also art direct the backgrounds in case they need any changes or modifications. I'm also working with a composer with the OST for the game. 
  • Once the writing and coding is completed I check out that images show properly, that the game is playable, etc. This happens at the deadline, so I don't have much time to bug-test the game extensively. I have a couple people helping me test it internally, and I try to make sure the update had no game-breaking bugs before publishing the Alpha. This often is hard to assure, since there are numerous branching paths to check out, and at this point I'm so eager to publish the update and share it with you guys as soon as possible.
  • Once the Alpha is released, I send the script to my awesome proofreader and wait for new bug reports. I wait until the script is sent back to me to add the fixes to the proofread version. While this happens I'm already trying to figure out the plot and scene outline for the next chapter.
  • After the Beta is out I wait a few days to see any new bug reports, I fix those and publish the final update. By this point, hopefully I'm already working on the art for the next chapter and the cycle starts all over again.

Right now I'm at the writing part, taking the time I need to deliver some good scenes! I think this chapter will have some memorable moments, and if you chose to work for Mr. Ward you'll be able to enjoy Lena in this sexy lingerie during the photoshoot! I'm trying to make that scene way more interactive than what you saw on GGGB, I hope you have fun with it!

As always, stay tuned!




Its interesting getting to look at your process. We all really appreciate the handwork you put into these games. Take your time if you need to. The quality of this game is amazing and there is nothing else out there that even comes close to it.


Great work! Looking forward to play chapter 4 😍