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Robert is one of those characters that force themselves into the story. He started by being just a random drunkard Ian would have his first fight with. But as I continued to develop the story, searching connections between characters, it occurred to me he could be Lena's co-worker. And, of course, he'd be interested in her. And from that point on he demanded to be included on the story more prominently, becoming much more important than originally planned.

Of course the choice to ignore him or indulge him is up to the player. Let's be honest, he's not the most likeable fellow, but that's what made him including him in the story fun and interesting. Will Lena try and explore her sexuality with him, breaking out of her shell after her break-up? Will he become Ian's rival? Will he be an ally or a villain? It's all up to you and your choices.




Man, this guy is a douche. But it is fun to have Lena service his needs in the game.


I actually didn't mind Robert as a character. Sure he's a douche, but so were some of the best characters in GGGB. He reminds me of Doug in a way, hes probably just here for Lena for her to get past her sexual akwardness with before exploring other options. That being said, I hope Robert does get a full sex scene with lena without having to wear a condom. I also do hope this game has some cuckolding scenarios in it and Roberto with Lena seems like a good option for that. I am looking forward to seeing how the characters develope.