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Same as with Lena, I wanted Ian to have several friends that would pull him in different directions. Jeremy contrasts sharply with Perry: he's a merry and outgoing player, a guy who is mostly interested in going after girls and is not ashamed of it. His social spheres are very different too, he's into clubbing, fitness and nightlife. Jeremy has quite a polarising personality though, and if the player is not too aligned with his outlook in life tensions can arise, so I guess some of you will think Jeremy's a cool dude while others will think he's a bit of a jerk!

At the beginning Jeremy's design was a lot like Kevin's in GGGB, but I decided to change him and make him black to have a more racially diverse cast. Besides, Tyrone was one of the most popular characters in GGGB, but he was a walking stereotype. This time I wanted Jeremy to be defined by more than just his ethnicity, hopefully creating a more intricate and believable character. He has the potential to create quite a ruckus in the story!




At the expense of race, I think this is the right idea to make Jeremy black. Sometimes it's good to diversify the game with something.

Robert Arctor

I'm happy for Jeremy to have worked himself into shape and be successful at what he loves to do - but I think he needs to work on his maturity as well as his muscle. I'm on Team Louise, personally. Some significant others are perfectly ok with behavior like Jeremy's, but many are not; as usual, lack of communication is the mother of all trouble. I look forward to finding out whether Louise is going to go ballistic on him, or what her reaction will be otherwise.