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One of the things I wanted to try and improve in ORS was giving the main characters more context. After all, we are who we are because of the people that surrounds us. To that end I wanted to put more focus and effort in the side characters that interact with the player.

Perry is a very peculiar character and I wanted him to be as far from generic as possible. He serves as Ian's sidekick and will help shape his character by establishing a comparison between their similarities and differences. Will you be a loyal friend to him or will you betray him? Will you help him out succeed or will you push him down into misery? Will you follow his footsteps or try an better yourself?

Other than that, I feel like Perry will let me introduce some very authentic and hopefully funny and comedic situations into the story! I will try my hand at writing this type of character, and I fell he'll be quite polarising. Either you have a sweet spot for him or you really hate him! That will be fun to explore and watch play out.




Friendships are an often overlooked part of adult games or even mainstream RPGs for that matter. They give us plenty of material to define the protagonist and helps to immerse ourselves into the lead. Not only through dialogue, but also as a way to show the consequences of our actions through their reactions. Maybe Perry is one of those characters. I believe that it's important that not every character interaction leads to a degenerate fuckfest, even though it's an adult game. Meaning that some side characters aren't romanceable - just potential wingmen and wingwomen. While we are primarily here to fap and not to feel, if we do get to feel an emotional connection then the fapping will be more satisfying!

David Inlong

I like Perry. It will take a long time to make him change for the better, but I would like my Ian and Lena to be part of that change.