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I've been showing the characters for Our Red String these past few days, and now the whole main cast is revealed. There are more characters than the ones you can see here, but these are the most important ones.

One of the big reveals was that this time around there won't be just one playable character, but two: Lena and Ian (girl 3 and guy E). The game will alternate between the two, and you'll experience the story, make choices and affect other characters from both their points of view! This is a new take on branching narrative and player choice and consequence that I'm very excited to explore.

The big reveals don't end here, though. I've been teasing one for a couple days, and there's still another one. So stay tuned for tomorrow's announcement!

What do you think about the characters so far? Are you eager to try the new game? I'm sure are to share it with you guys!




Oh, so it's a double PoV. I'm conflicted about it, there are so many games from the male perspective.. That said, very few can come near your quality of narrative. And intricacy, in this case double inctricacy..very bold move considering how entangled gggb is :D. That said, my deciding factor will be on the type of content/characters: I don't want a washed out experience but the whole picture (characters that can be and act weak as well as strong, choices that can also led to bad or inevitable consequences, a little drama here and there to spice things up, and so on..). GL