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Happy New Year to everybody!

The end of this year marks the end of a long cycle for me, having ended GGGB. It feels great to reach the goal I set out to accomplish more than 2 and a half years ago, but it's also scary: with the game done, I need to begin anew. 

During the last months of GGGB's development I started to think about what to do next, what kind of game, story and characters I wanted to create. What could I do that felt rewarding to me and enjoyable to my audience? After thinking about it and drafting a couple ideas, when I was almost set on one, a new one came to my head, one I knew I had to do. 

The title of this new game: "Our Red String".

This is just a teaser, and I won't reveal much about the game just yet. But I can tell you a few thing I'm sure you'll want to know:

  • The game will have a similar setting as GGGB, using as scenario a western, contemporary city. 
  • It will have the same "spirit" as my last game, it's one of my creations after all. Focusing on player choice, branching story-lines and character development. I don't want it to be a copy-cat, though. While it will explore some of the themes of GGGB, it will do that in it's own way.
  • I've already began pre-production of the game, and I intend to up the production values and hire some artists to help me with that. I'm aiming to release v0.1 at the end of February, but knowing me it'll probably take a bit longer, so maybe during March.
  • Of course, I'm aiming to create something better than GGGB, a more focused and rich experience, to explore what erotic visual novel can offer as a creative medium  and hopefully something you guys will really enjoy.

I thank all of you again for your continued trust and interest in my creation, without you any of this could exists. It's your support that allows me to create and improve, and I hope you'll stick around during these months. You might need to wait a bit to see the product of my labour, but I assure you I'll be working my ass off and I'm hoping to create something really cool.






Red String... got me thinking of Red Shoe Diaries >:D


I think it will be interesting :)