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Hi guys,

I knew I would need at least 2 months to create the endings for GGGB, but as it always happens with me, it's more work and taking longer than I initially expected... And I already had to left out several ideas I wanted to add, but it was just too much.

You know I hate failing to stick to deadlines, but there's no way I want to rush this. The amount of art required for this update is massive: the updates that were most packed with art had around 260 image files (taking into account variations and other add-ons, like tattoos and such) and so far I have created 650 for this v1.0 update, and I'm not done yet...

Also, I'd hate dropping 3 or 4 lines of text to cap off a character's ending. I feel like I need to write something interesting and meaningful that resolves their story and character threads in a satisfying way. A lot of the cast have sex scenes as part of their endings, and they need to be interesting, related to their story and feel fresh and not identical to the ones from the other characters.

But I'm making good progress. So far I have most of the art done and my goal is to finish the remaining drawings before the end of this month. I've also written all the npc endings and most variations and also all the possible thug endings. I'm left to write the other endings for Ash, but almost everything relating to npc's is done, which I think makes things simpler. A few pre-Alpha testers are already helping me with the bug review of the work already completed. I'm also seriously brainstorming ideas for the next project, and that's very important too.

Anyway, I will keep working hard to give you a good, finished product as soon as possible. I hate taking longer than I wanted but I try to find solace in the fact that even triple A companies delay their games all the time (I'm still waiting for Mont and Blade 2, you evil bastards). The changes in tiers I announced won't take place this month, since I can't release v1.0 yet. But it will be here sooner than later, so don't you worry.

Thanks for reading me and for your support!





To be honest, I'm relief that you didn't finished everything in two months. Due to the amount of work, all endings, all choices made... it would have meant that you've had rushed it. Which you shouldn't... as you only have one shot to make a great first impression, you only have one shot to make a good ending. Yes, I'm talking to you, ME3....


So it's been three weeks since this post. You spoiled us before with all your frequent releases. I want to see how all the other paths end up since I was least interested in bimbo Ashley.