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Hi guys!

So, as you know, right now I'm working on the ending of GGGB. This month I'm trying to complete all the artwork that will be necessary and my intention is to tackle the writing next month, so this time the development cycle will take 2 months. I hope I can complete it by then, but I'm not sure, since I'm adding new stuff as I go on all the time, which is what I always end up doing...

I'm really excited about this. This is the first time I'll be finishing a project like this, the first time I'm creating an ending for a branching narrative that has become almost too complex to handle. And I know this is of the utmost importance. I know the point of a game, like with a piece of music or any story, is not the end, but the journey. But I'm also well aware than a shitty ending can ruin a great journey.

Look at what happened with Game of Thrones recently. They were unable to wrap things up consistently and coherently and they ruined plots and characters that had been masterfully constructed to that point. I can't forget the ending of Mass Effect, which had me furious for weeks. 

No, the ending has to be consistent with the journey. I know what not to do, but I'm just discovering what to do, and how to do it, I'd say. I know I want to reflect all the choices you guys made during the game, shaping the end of Ash's story, and the story of all the supporting characters. I want to reward choice with consequence, and I hope I can make a good work with that. We'll see how that turns out!

I'm super absorbed with that work, but meanwhile I want to give you something to keep your attention. I'm not sure what would be appropriate, though. I'm reluctant to show sneak peeks to avoid spoiling the endings, and I cannot show a "preview", either. Some time ago you guys asked me to reveal my "identity", and I might do that for loyal patrons, adding a tier with "personal diaries" or something along those lines were I could show a bit about myself, the person who's behind the game. I also want to make a few polls to see what you guys want to see after this project is wrapped up, although I have a few ideas in mind already...

So, speaking about what comes after the next update: GGGB main story will be finished, but I will take one or two more months no polish things up. I want to add music to the whole game and also add some more scenes between secondary characters that Ash will visualise while hearing about them. I want to give some more scenes to a fan favorite, Jasmin. After that, I'm also thinking about maybe releasing some short DLC like spin-off updates, maybe exploring what could happen between Jess and Dave when the game is over, or seeing what Iris might be up to, etc... That will depend in what you guys are interested. And it might buy time while I prepare the new project, since the first developing stages are the most time-consuming: planning the game concept, designing and drawing all the characters, backgrounds, finding someone to help with the art, etc.

Regarding that last point, and as I said before, I'd like to hire someone to help with the art. I haven't began searching yet, but I will. My idea is to delegate the coloring to someone, so I have more time to focus on other aspects of the creative process and and the visual quality of the next game can be significantly improved. However I'm not sure if I can afford that atm, so I'm thinking about tweaking the tier structure as I already told you last month. I still have to think about it, so we'll talk about the issue at a later date.

Oh, and after all this is done, I'd like to take some holidays! It's been more than 2 years producing an update month after month, it would be cool to have a whole month for myself without having to think about work lol! We'll see if I can schedule that...

So, a very lengthy post, but I think that's all I wanted to say right now. Let me know your thoughts and suggestions down in the comments, I need to hear from you guys! I know I always say it, but thanks for being part not only of this project, but also part of this amazing community that has enabled me to complete this enormous project and make a living out of my passions for art, writing and video games. I owe everything to you!






do you have any save files here or in another site after the tv show

Eric wade

probably one of the best adult games ever.