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So, here we are... The last update before the closure.

As I said, this one will be focusing mainly in bimbo Ash, exploring what was left of that path. It also sets up most things so they can be wrapped up, finally.

This one was hard, which is weird, because it was pretty straightforward, but I faced a big creative block. It's hard when that happens, because then the writing ends up feeling faker than bimbo Ash's tits! If I feel the scenes are described mechanically they become boring and stale. I hope I did a good job.

Now to face the biggest challenge...  

As always, thanks to  vBerlichingen  for his invaluable proofreading and to everyone reporting bugs and letting me know their thoughts and opinions! Write down any bugs you might find and I'll fix them asap. Thank you so much, guys!




Is it only possible to date Jessica as Good Ash? I tried as Sexy Ash and the scene wouldn't prop when I've raised her affection as much as I did as Good Ash. Also, during Tyrone's party where if you refuse to take off the bra, Tyrone's portrait appears on top of Bubba's when saying you know the time and place. It only happens when as Sexy Ash. EDIT: Correction, it also happens as Good Ash.


There's also the bug about Cuckold boyfriend being jerked off by Ashley, and being able to choose the picture of Eva sucking off the bad boy, even though it never happened during the run. Haha.