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Hi guys!
So, as you know, I've been talking about the end of GGGB for a while now. We're at a point where I'm ready to begin wrapping things up. The plan is as follows:

Next update, v0.31, will be the last normal one. It will focus especially on bimbo Ashley, developing her story and scenes a bit more, and I will add a few things left to jump to the endings.

I'm not sure how to tackle the endings. I know it will be the most difficult and complex task yet and facing it will surely be challenging. A good story needs a good ending and it's super important for me to give you guys something cool, with depth and that reflects all the choices you've been making during the whole game. None of that Mass Effect 3 bullshit or Telltale streamlining. 

So, I will need at least 2 months to complete the endings (knowing myself, probably a bit more, but I will try to be as efficient as possible...) So, after v0.31, the final 1.0 version will take 2 months of development. During that time I'll post a few sneak peeks for the higher tiers but trying not to be too spoilery...

After v1.0 is done, some additional work will go into polishing it. Adding music to all the game, adding some scenes I always wanted to but never had the time... I'm also looking to remork the patronage tiers, as I had no idea of what I was doing when I started and some of them are redundant. I also would like to hire some help for the next project and I want to see if I can increase the financial support of the community. And we will start talking about the next project, with polls and such, where I want to hear your likes, wants and suggestions :) 

I hope you go along this ride to the completion of GGGB with me. Thank you so much!




Julian Harper

I've just recently replayed GGGB from the start (on both the bad and good paths) and I am amazed at how many variations and paths the game has, it's quite staggering and a testament to how good a game it is. So many subplots and character stories I never knew existed before. I cannot begin to imagine how you draw all of that to a close!


Hi! If you are interested in I can make translations on Ru\Ua languages.