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Hi guys! I'm pretty happy about this one myself, it has some big and long-awaited scenes, variety and important choices that will start to define the end paths Ashley can take regarding relationships.  

As always, infinite thanks to  v. Berlichingen for his proofreading and to Cabot and Breadloaf for their continuous help reporting bugs, as to anyone that has reported them back to me through comment or private message .

 Let  me know about any persisting bugs you find in the comments below and don't forget to write what you thought about the update and which were you favourite parts. Not enough people are writing about their opinions about the update, so be sure to do so! I want to know your thoughts :)




Oh, I did find a bug - nothing major though. But when you snort coke in this update, Ash always has red hair, no matter what kind of Ash you have.

Julian Harper

Is anyone else having a problem with Eva on opening night in Jacks club? I'm playing as Thug Ash and when she is dancing on the pole for the first time Eric sees her and that's when the game throws up an error and if you skip it you miss the entire conversation.