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Sorry for the delay guys, I've been out of town and taking care of some business... But her eit is, the final version for 0.23!

As I said, this update will contain lots of goodies for those who follow one of the possible Arthur routes! It also brings some cool story progression and some of those scenes are the ones I had most fun writing to date! I've also added a silly easter-egg, let's see who can find it.

Special thanks again to  v. Berlichingen for his proofreading and to Cabot and Breadloaf for their continuous help reporting bugs.

I hope you enjoy this one as I much I enjoyed crafting it, even if the progression is a bit scattered around the other non-Arthur paths. As always, let me know what you think and report any bugs you come across in the comments.





I noticed that even if you tell Arthur off at the graveyard you still get the chance to do the Iris scene in this verision, is this a bug or is it supposed to happen because you skip the scene doing the cam show with him where he tells you his plan and go right to that you can still choose not to do it but I thought it strange that you appearently end your relationship with him. Then he has you do this.


Does anyone knows how to do the DAD bonding ?