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Hey, guys, first of all, and as always, thank you so much for your support of me and my project. None of this would be possible without you.

I've read all your comments on my previous post and I want to address them with the following post. I'll talk about 3 things: the current  and futre state of GGGB, future projects and a call for help. This fill be a lengthy one!

 About Good Girl Gone Bad

As I said from the beginning of this project, don't you guys worry: I swear this game will completed, not rushed, and will have satisfying endings. As many of you guys have said, this game has potential to go on and on for a very long time, adding new scenes, character interactions, career paths for Ashley... But with each new iteration, the complexity and time to develop each update increases, and I'm not going to lie, it's become very hard to manage! However, I'm ambitious and these are the kind of complex branching mechanics I wanted to include from the start, so I wouldn't have it any other way. I hate it when a game or franchise I like gets "dumbed down" so I won't do that.

However, I'm officially announcing that GGGB is already on it's 3rd act and it will be heading to it's conclusion. It's time to start tying up the different paths, though I still want to introduce 2 or 3 new plot points. So don't expect the game to be finished before at least 5 or 6 more updates... 

So, what will happen when we reach the end? First of all, I will cap some branches earlier, but you won't get the specific ending till the last update. That's because there are so many iterations that I want to work with all the endings at the same time. There will be specific endings for each character, in relation to their relationship with Ashley, the changed they have experienced, etc, and so many ways Ashley's life, career and personal relationships can play out. The last update for GGGB will consist of all the possible endings, and I will take all the time I need with that one, providing fleshed out conclusions for every choice you made. But as I said, that's not happening any time before 5 or 6 more updates (maybe even more).

After the game's story is completed, I will keep working on GGGB for a bit, polishing it. I'll try to get rid of every bug that still remains, add music throughout the whole game, and probably add some more art to certain scenes. If you guys want I will even probably add some new sex scenes that are not pivotal to the story but that flesh out a bit more some character relationships and fetishes. 

And, at some point, I would like to take some vacations. I have been working for almost a year and a half without one, except for a few days here and there. It would be awesome to have a month free of the development cycle pressure! But we'll see, delivering content to you guys has been and still is my top priority.

What happens after GGGB?

Good question. I will follow up with another project, that's for sure. I have a couple of ideas already, but I will make several polls and ask you guys about your opinion when the time comes. 

GGGB has been my first ever attempt at this kind of creative medium, ans I've learned a lot. But I still want to improve and add new things. But that's just too much for me alone, so I'll be hiring someone to help me with the next game for sure. I'll probably delegate on the art department so I can focus on writing the story and make it work in a coherent manner. Right now the visual stuff takes away half of my time. Depending on the project, I will also require the help of someone who's really good with programming, so I can implement more complex features. We'll see.

Truth be told, and as  I told you guys in one of the Q&A, my real dream is to create an epic fantasy videogame, in a setting similar to Game of Thrones or The Witcher. I think you'd be surprised to see what kind of artistic expression really defines me, something I can't show at all in a project like GGGB, where I'm just putting my skills to use in a different medium to what I was used to. That would be my dream project, a visual novel with a deeper and richer branching storyline than the games that are out there (the Telltale ones, Banner Saga, Mass Effect, etc.) But I know you're here for the porn, so the next project will most certainly continue with that genere lol. 

All in all, it's too early to discuss it yet, but I'm already thinking about it.

A call for help

So, as I explained in my previous post, these past months my Patreon page has been struggling a bit to grow. It's not something serious, but of course my goal is for my business to grow, and I'm ambitious and of course I dream to be in the top tier when it comes to Patreon adult games developers, next to Dark cookie and Lewdlab, to name a few.

A growing business is a symptom of health and success means I'm creating something people really enjoy, and I strive to do just that. And, as I said before, I will certainly hire someone to help me with the next project, so I can produce content more consistently, and to be able to tackle my most ambitious projects I would need a small team of people, at some point (even if I really want to do everything by myself there's no other way around it...). And to be able to tackle those future projects, and keep GGGB alive with extra content once it's finished, I need a business that can support me and other creators. 

I've talked to some of you and read your comments, and following your suggestions I want to ask some help and support from my followers.

In order to reach more people and garner more interest in GGGB, it would be awesome and I'd really appreciate if you could do any of the following things:

  • If you're active in on-line forums that talk about adult games, talk about GGGB to let people know about it's existence.
  • If you're aware of any social media, like Instagram, Twitter, etc. circle that's interested in adult games, upload some content talking and letting them know about GGGB.
  • If you know someone that creates adult games gameplay videos on Youtube, Twitch, etc (or if you yourself create that kind of content) let them know about GGGB and your interest on them trying it and uploading some gameplay.
  • If you're aware of any other method or platform in which people would be interested in a game like GGGB also let me know.
  • I will try and set up a Discord channel for the game soon. I haven't looked into it yet but I will!

Any buzz you can make, talking about the game so other people learn about it will be amazing. Sadly, I'm awful when it comes to social media stuff and I'm too busy with the creation of the game to really get into it myself... So if you're willing to take an extra step to support me and my projects giving GGGB some visibility in ways I don't know how (and since Patreon really sweeps creators like me under the rug) it would be incredibly awesome. 

So, to put an end to this wall of text, I want to thank you all once more, for your support, concern, interest and hard-earned money. I consider myself really fortunate to be able to be doing this with all your support and I'm committed to give you the best adult gaming experience I can possibly come up with!





Hey, seems like someone else is monetizing your work on patreon. Unless you have some kind of arrangement with Mia Phillip (/miagamehouse), they're stealing your (and also looks like other people's) content Also, I'd be slightly suspicious of this Mia Sugar person in the comment above. She has commented on nearly every stolen game I've seen so far.

Black Fox Lingerie

Sorry that growth has been a bit slow, but I'm proud of you for keeping at it and being so determined to finish the game!!