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I've talked about this before, but I'm gonna dedicate a specific post to it :)

We'll be having another fan art contest this month!

You can submit any piece containing one or more characters from the game, in any style or medium you like. Post them on the Community section and I'll review them.

The 3 winners will have free acess to all +$30 posts of September free of charge. I will send you the links to the versions through PM, so you don't have to have an active pledge.

The first place will get to design an aoutfit for the character of his choice that will be used in-game.

The second place will also get to design an outfit, but won't be able to choose the same charcter as the first place.

Those outfits may be used just for an specific scene or many, I'll make that choice once they're done :)

You can submit your pieces tarting today until the end of September!

I hope many of you join the contest, and I'm eager to see your wonderful fan art. 



Ashley marry Wilson


it's not that I am not interested in the art, I just have no artistic talent