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Hi guys!

So, as I said, tomorrow I'm leaving for some sort of vacation until the 15th.  I'm already working on the big setpiece of this update, the pool party, and I have completed about half of the artwork. It will be plenty, with quite some options, and I think it will be one of the hottest scenes to date!  

I just released  the preview for v0.18. This one's short, but i wanted to give you guys something before leaving for the week. You'll get to go on a date with Kevin, andI think the scene turned out pretty good:


And v0.17 is available for +1$ patrons:


Talk to you soon!





I just have to say this since I am now trying your game, this is a well developed game. A lot of possible outcomes and fun for both aspect of design. Though considering all the unsafe sex the Main Character can have I am surprised there has not been a risk for her to get pregnant.


played several times, getting bad , good and in between getting several different pathways but can't seem to progress past cuddling with dad. Has this been removed or just missing something ?