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Hello guys, 

I know I've been quite absent these past few days. I had almost all the art finished for v0.13 when suddenly I had to face some awful personal issues. It has been really hard getting to work and writing pervy things with the kind of mindset I've been having these days.

Still, I'm writing v0.13 and it will be out soon enough. Maybe it will arrive a bit later than usual, but I owe you guys a good update and not some half-assed crap. So please bear with me for a while.

As always, I really, really appreciate your support. It's everything to me right now. Sorry about this and stay tuned.



I can't wait. But I can also wait too.


Hello :) Just a suggestion. I hope you put something that will show all the sex scenes that have been viewed


yea, that would be great! This way you can hint that there are still some scenes you are missing and stuff like that, just like in h-games