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Just wanted to say that i really love this game ! There are so many different possible path that maybe not even you tried them all ! LOL :D That would explain why there are a few mistakes sometimes... the game referring to something that might have happened before but that didn't actually happened since i chose a different course of action... for example Ashley thinking about having had sex with Arthur but she didn't since she dumped him at the last moment in order to go out with dad... or about what happened to Dave, but it didn't happen since she had accepted to go at Wilson's place... and so on :p Anyways the game is great and i'm looking forward to see what else will happen :) Thanks for creating it !!


Please, could you be more specific asbout the bugs? Like the exact point where you found those inconsistencies so I can sort them and fix them asap. Feel free to PM me ! Thanks!


Hi, i'm kind of new here, so i have no idea about how to PM you :p so i'll tell you here... i can't remember the exact point in game when it happened, if it happens again i'll take a note. Anyway it was during one of the times Ash is in her room thinking about what she have done...And a couple of time she ended up thinking about having had sex with Eric's dad even if once she had dumped him at the last minute in order to go out with her dad... while the other time the story with Arthur had never started since during the dinner with Eric's family she had removed Arthur's hand and later told him he was crazy when he proposed to see him sometimes while Eric was away. Same thing happened (in a different game) with Ash thinking of what had happened to Dave, but it hadn't happened. Anyways it wasn't so much of an issue, after that the story continued correctly, it was just a wrong note of a moment, after that everything was OK. i will let you know if it happens again. thanks again for this fantastic game :)