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Hello guys! 

So, first af all, about the public version of the game: as many of you know, and as I said before, I can't keep offering a public version of the game in this page, or the Patreon Police will come after me and shut me down. I'll try to make it available somewhere else, but Patreon won't allow me to post any links to that either, so...

And a new goal. Some of you pointed that my previous goal had been reached and surpassed long ago. Truth be told, at first I had my doubts that would happen, but you guys have blown me away! So this new goal is not something I "need" but something to aspire to. seeing the support for GGGB grow is awesome motivation for me to keep trying my best at giving you the best game I possibly can. 

As I wrote there, my goal is to push as much content, graphic and gameplay-wise, each month. Right now I don't want to spread my efforts into other things that would slow that goal (as of now, the game is almost 270k words, longer than a lot of books!). But in the future I would like to polish the experience, add more art, background music, some sexy voice SFX, a gallery, improve the save mechanics, tweak the UI, etc... Those are just the icing on the cake to me, and first I want to build a fun story full of choices you can enoy!

So, thanks again for sticking with me another awesome month, and if you're new, welcome to GGGB! 





Several creators have just had links to their off-Patron forum, which then has a link to a Mega download area in a sticky post. So far i have heard if no problems with Patreon under that scheme. Secondavager- same here. If a game looks good i grab a leaked copy of the latest, and if after an hour I like it then I pledge. Many public demos are so out of date they do not give you an accurate picture of what the game is like— i would probably only pledge about 3 people if I had went by public demos!


Asking for where to score pirated copies of a game on the creator's own page is kinda ballsy, man.


It’s cool goal. Good luck in developing, colleague!