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So I've been wanting to do something to promote patron interaction, and seeing the wonderful CG fan art that Stoper did for me a while ago, I decided to throw a small fan art contest :)

You can post your fan art in the comunity tab. Everyone who participates will get access to the next v0.10 Preview release via PM! And the winner will get access to a special Preview version a cuple days before that. And if there are more than 5 participants I will declare three winners insted of one.

I don't know how artistic you are or if you're interested at all, but I would love to see what you guys can come up with! You have time until the 12th of November to post your entry!






Shouldnt it be technically v1.0? Since v.0.10 is the same thing as v0.1

Ai dude

Nope, the version number can be like 0.1.432452 technically.


Yeah, that's not how version numbers work, the . is not a decimal point


Looks nice, keep it up!