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Just a little update. I'm finishing up v0.9 and the Alpha should be ready by Monday or Tuesday, if everything goes as planned! Stay tuned and, as always, thanks for your support! (by the way, I'd recommend those who have played the DLC to use a save from v0.8 t avoid conflicts with new variables).



Would be nice to let us know what is in it, do not want to pay $20 for a fix


I don't want to spoil anything, but you have some content with Eric, Ethan and Mom, Wilson, Eva, Jessica and Jack.


Each update to the game so far has introduced a ton of new content. They aren't "bug fixes". Well, okay, they do fix bugs too, but that ain't their main function.

John Caufield

While I do enjoy this game it is short and linear. This kind of makes the play value low.

Ai dude

The spirit of Patreon is supporting the dev through his/her journey as s/he perfects the game. Patience is a virtue and the key to all Pateron games. You don't have to pay for the game after all.


It’s evident that the game is a virtual novel, so there is not free roaming in an open world (a gameplay style I don’t really like although to each their own) and some plot events are mandatory, but anyway the amount of choices already present is really big and most of them get you to very different outcomes. Seriously, have you really replayed it making different choices than the first time around? Because it makes a difference and being linear is the last thing I would say about GGGB, especially if compared with other adult games out there. As a matter of fact I think that replayability is one of the mayor virtues of the game, but YMMV of course.

John Caufield

AL Dude: You are right. I do not have to pay for it and I do not. As I said I enjoyed it but I also said there really is not much replay value in it. There is also a difference in supporting someone's work if they so work (not saying Eva Kiss is not) However can you really support developers $5, $10, $15 etc.. if their updates are hot fix or just a line or two? Sometimes you should be asking yourself "Are they really putting effort into the game, or just delaying it to suck out as much money as possible. I put money on some games to get the latest and then remove my membership. I will keep an eye on it and if I feel there has been a great enough improvement on the game I will pay again. There are game(s) I have been watching for two years with slight improvements. (I will not give other game names on another developer's page)

John Caufield

Cabot: The developer has said that the game is an Adventure. However I see your view on it. Choices are not really that big. In fact how you play will determine whether you are the bad girl are Eva is the bad one. In a way I find that last part funny. I have played the game a few different ways. Going all bad, going all good, mixing it up. At one point it you going shopping for a swim suit. It will automatically determine which one you get. If it is all about choices why cannot I pick either one and the good girl/bad girl meter just go up or down? It almost feels as though you must determine early on whether you want to be a good girl or a bad girl.


Err… basically no. Both Ash and Eva can be good or bad at the same time depending on your choices. It has been explained many times here but for example it’s quite easy to avoid Eva being corrupted by Jack without having Ash sleeping with him (or with anybody), just with a few bad karma points well placed and some relevant choices being made at the right time. That’s what I’d call non-linearity and is just an example. Not trying to be rude, please believe me, but I think maybe you’re missing some of the nuances the game displays. Btw, the game doesn’t automatically determine which bikini you get, you just need 9 bad karma points at that point in order to opt for the black one, then you can choose between them. I get what you say about letting you choose no matter what, but for me makes sense that a more confident or sexy Ash is needed to buy the skimpy one. In any case let’s agree to disagree about this. It’s obvious you’re entitled to think the choices in the game are not really big or meaningful and, while disagreeing, I’m no one to tell you otherwise, excuse me if I came out wrong :)

John Caufield

Cabot: I did not find your comment rude but rather well informed. One thing, when I spoke of linear I mean the game overall play,.. Side note: as I was reading you post and the one part sticking out... "Both Ash and Eva can be good or bad at the same time depending on your choices. It has been explained many times here but for example it’s quite easy to avoid Eva being corrupted by Jack without having Ash sleeping with him (or with anybody), just with a few bad karma points well placed and some relevant choices being made at the right time." I would say that is a linear path. There is no room for error to still get the same results. This of course is my view.


Each numerical change (from 0.X to 0.Y) means that there's new content, similar to a new episode in a TV series. The differences between the $20, $10, $3 and $1 releases (alpha, beta, full release) are bug fixes, proofreading and only sometimes some minor additional added content. The $30 release has some minor added content, but that's more or less only a preview of what's to come in the upcoming release. That means that the complete 0.X update is released as an alpha (the $20 reward tier) first, which usually is quite rough. Then the beta ($10) is released with the same content, but proofread and the reported bugs ironed out. After that the full release ($3) arrives, and the $1 patrons get the same release one week after the $3 patrons. I'm not sure if this is made clear on Eva's Patreon overview, so might be wise to add an description about the release cycle there?


I would say that there's a difference between player interactivity and story interactivity. Sandbox style games are high in player interactivity, while visual novels (such as this) are low in player interactivity. Story interactivity can be found in different styles of games, but more or less means that the story related player options will effect the story in one way or another. This game features plenty of story interactivity, since most of your choices will actually matter in some way or another, but up to a certain point - this is only one developer, after all. And the story is actually linear in the strictly narrative sense (the story goes in a chronological order, with a beginning, middle and end), but with all the branching options I think the correct description is that it features plenty of different linear stories, and you have to replay the game several times to experience all it has to offer. A nonlinear narrative (such as Pulp Fiction) is a different thing. It could also be that I'm splitting hairs :)


Wouldn't say there is not replay valuable you have to play more than once, often several times to trigger all events. Some choices may even exclude you from seeing some story direction if you pick different choices. But it is linear i guess to a degree in sense there certain events happening at certain types, outcomes and which ones happen depend on choices you made prior to it.

John Caufield

I think what would make it more enjoyable is the ability to go backward (rewind) so you do not have to start all over just one step. I think that is a big killer for me.