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I have in mind some things for good Ashley, but this being an erotic game, is much easier to come up with scenes and situations for the bad path. Maybe you guys have some interesting ideas or suggestions! In that case, I would like to hear them, to know what you like, and maybe to draw some inspiration for future good path events to come!



Good version could amicably end relationship with Eric and work on taming one or more of the other characters? Whatever you decide, keep up the awesome job!


Eric isn't a character I have any admiration for. I think his version of being a good person is about helping people he doesn't know, because all the people in his life he DOES know are hurt by his selfish decision to leave... his sister, his girlfriend, even his father clearly needs a moral compass close by. I'd be perfectly happy with Ashley realising she can do a LOT better.


Don't give Eric up, too fast. He is a plain and naive character in the beginning like Eva and Ashley. But he shows potential of beeing more. He liked the changes of her Style - he seems to like rough sex - he is open for an open-relationship with Ash and said that this would count for him too - and if Ashley told him of having sex with an other man, she was introduced to from his sister (Doug), he explained after the first shock, that he wouldn't leave her and shows signs of development. Maybe he find out of his trip more about himself what he really need and change into a Cool guy.