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Hi guys,

As I told you befrore, this summer is being a bit hellish for me in terms of work. I will quit my job in September, but they're requiring of me 11 hours shifts five days a week (I will even have to work 9 days staight without pause at the begginig of August...). I'm hating every minute of it and i can't wait to say goodbye to that awful job.

That leaves me little time to work on GGGB. I try to squeeze two or three hours each night. I mostly use them to produce artwork, since writing is a longer process and I usually want to have 4-5 hours to not lose the thread of the branching stories. 

That said, I want to release the beta on the 18th. That day I'm taking 5 days off and won't be able to work much on the game... So the final version will be released a little later than usual, I'm afraid. I could release v 0.6 earlier but I want to put in as much content as I possibly can. I want to add four major scenes, and I'm finishing the third. I honestly don't know if I will be able to complete the fourth before the 18th... If I'm not able, I think I'll relase the beta with as much content as I managed to complete and then add this scene in a "semi-final" v 0.6 release for +$3 patrons as soon as I can, before releasing the final v0.6 as I have envisioned it. 

I know it's quite messy, but please bear with me. Working in GGGB is what's keeping me together during this awful summer! I can't wait to progress on the story and give you guys many interesting choices and hot scenes. Thanks again for your support! 





Damn that work schedule is really bad. No wonder you are looking forward to september. Has it always been that bad with working hours? Or is this some punishment because you quit? Please do not stress yourself too much, because it is taking longer to finish the update(s). I think we all know it will be well worth the wait :-) Your well being is MUCH more important, than a release at a specific date. You have delivered so much awesome stuff in a very short time, but don't forget to take some time off. With those working hours you will have little time to do it I know, but please make sure you do find time to relax. Take care, best wishes and a ton of hugs :-)


Will the whole posing taking picture for that twitter profile or what it was called as Foxxy be expanded upon in future, so you can make money get free cloth etc. Possibly modelling jobs or more shady modelling jobs?