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First of all, I have to thank you every time I write something for your continued support. This project is alive and well thanks to all of you that decide to support me. So thank you very much :)

I want to talk about a few things. First of all, about what's coming up. This Patreon has been alive for a little bit more than two months and we've already made it around the $2500 goal. I never expected to reach it so soon, or to reach it at all. I've already presented my resignation from my day-to-day job, but because contractual reasons, i cannot leave until september. So, to not leave loose ends, I have to work 11 hours shifts during July and August. This will leave me less time to work on my project, but I will still provide updates during this summer! One of the reasons I tried to make v 0.5 as big as possible was as a way of apoligizing for the shoerter updates that will come this next two months. However, I'll still try to give you as much content as possible. I'm not planning on slacking off at all :) 

In regards about v 0.5, I need to talk about something else. When I created the "besta tester" tier I had in mind that only those who were really passionate about the game and wanted to take part in the development cycle would pledge. But now there are +100 people there. And what bugged me was that, just after I published the beta, it was all over pirate sites. Now, I'm not against this at all. From the get go I said my goal was to let as many people as possible play my game, and only those that really liked it and wanted to pledge to my Patreon. But I don't want the majority of the public to play a game with bugs and inconsistencies. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I don't want to release a work that's not as good as it can be, or that has game-breaking bugs. Because of that, I rushed the actual v0.5 release and it still had some bugs that I have to fix in a soon to come update.

So, because of that, I'm planning to up the beta access to +$20 patrons or something like that and give the +$10 patrons anticipated access. So, the beta will come out as always, give it a couple days to sort out any bugs and fix them, and then the anticipated access will be released. After a week, the version will be up for +3$ patrons and up, and after another week, for +$1 patrons. It will become public another week after that, or so. I know this will bother many of you, but I want to maintain control of when my work is made public and I can't do so with +100 people in the beta tier.  I hope you can understand and this doesn't make you mad at me :( 

As you see, I want to be very open about everything with you guys. Of course, feel free to write down your thoughts and opinions. I read and consider all of them.

My goal will still be to make the best adult game that I possibly can and try to keep my patrons happy with my content.

Thanks agains ans kisses!




Could you PM me the V0.6 schedule Eva?


Wow EvaKiss, you just broke the $3000 mark! :D Congrats! Would you consider putting in a $3000 achievement "retroactively" just to incentivize people not to let the sum slip below it? :)