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I'm curious to know if you find hand drawn assets to the game a strong point or a liability.  I've always liked to draw and I became quite proficient at it, but I have no idea how to use 3D software... Most adult games use 3D renders, and I want to know if you feel more inmersed and aroused by them or maybe you prefer a more personal, handmade 2D look. 



For myself (I draw like laLinesa, but opposite to me he's an artist) I make 3d works I'll never give to public) but it's far from the quality of Rock Iwao or Moiarte. But YOU are an artist with your drawings. Keep the stile as personal trademark! You do great and there are no real comparable drawings in the net and games in that manner. It would be a lost for all, to lose your drawings, even when i persume, that your renderings will be perfect too. But, in the net are a lot of games with the same 3d basic figures and I can mix up characters.


And if I may say, with 3d renders/animations the game size just grows...