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She's a total bitch! but I like her too LoL xD


Not really the traditional "alpha bitch". I feel Jessica amalgamates different types of personalities. She certainly has the "alpha bitch" traces, but she's also the kind of "party girl" that parties really hard, but she's also opportunistic. She uses Ashley to get to her homework rather than just neglecting the homework like other "party girls" would. However, she is also a "cool chick", who acknowledges the need of friends and communities, even inviting Ashley into her fold, whether she really gets along with Ashley or not, however, she is "elitist" too the sense that she will look down on some people and not think of them as fit enough to join her crew. In short, Jessica is a very interesting and multilayered person, not unlike some girls I have met and known in real life. Jessica is the type of person I wish would be the playable character in a video game but rarely or never is. However, Ashley is certainly developing in an interesting way might even but Jessica to shame one day! :)