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Here's the Full release for Chapter 12.2! Small bugs have been ironed out and some tweaks and improvements added. I also expanded on a Lena solo scene, adding a new branch and images, but there aren't major changes from the Beta.

As you know, in this update will be focused on the beach house event, which will be concluded in the next release to cap off this long chapter. Also, a new companion will be joining Ian and his friends during their summer vacation :)

(I've also added a small addition to the mma torunament scene, if anyone's curious and wants to check it out, to set up some future plot points).

I can't think of much else to say, other than I hope you enjoy this update and have fun exploring and finding all the different paths, scenes and variations. I think this one has some of my favourite lewd scenes and animations! Work on the last part of the beach house event is already underway, and I will continue writing and drawing during this release cycle to have it ready as soon as I can.

As always, let me know your thoughts, opinion and bug reports.

Thank you for your patient support!




Best chapter so far. Can only get better


Oh wow, I loved the new MMA element!!!

Nikephouros (Xion)

I love chapter 12 pt 1. I really enjoyed the chill and relax vibe of the beach house and chipping at some of the choices we made along the way!

Peter Smith

Is anyone else having the gallery scene unlocked icon stuck on?


Brilliant update, gone through it 3 times and I love how different each route was for me. Holly especially, she can change so drasticly and I adore how it's shown. Also the backgrounds for this chapter are my favorite :) very pretty

peach girl 202

are yall looking into a way to make this accessible in a web browser / accessible on mobile Apple device? I know its a long shot, but just curious how that would work!