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Here's the freshly baked Alpha for Chapter 12! As you know, in this update will be focused on the beach house event, which will be concluded in the next release to cap off this long chapter. Also, a new companion will be joining Ian and his friends during their summer vacation :)

Diva tier patrons can access it here.

Work on the last part of the beach house event is already underway, and I will continue writing and drawing during this release cycle to have it ready as soon as I can.

Thank you for your patient support!




Me and Jenthe aproves!


So this is the alpha? Will a final version of this part be released before the second part or will you wait until both parts of chapter 12 are complete before releasing a more polished/final version of part one? (Either way, I’m very excited to play this one.)


The release cycle will be as always, Beta coming up in a few days and then the full release. Afterwards, chapter 12.3 will be released, when it's done

一凡 吴

I suggest more wonderful stories of Lena and black people