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https://TwistedMexi.com to find the latest version.

This is the release candidate for Better Exceptions v3.0. We're jumping to v3.0 to represent the completion of the three types of TS4 errors - Exceptions, CAS CC glitches, and now UI Exceptions.

UI Exceptions are the ones that show as random boxes, random warped menu images, and sometimes failure to load certain modes like CAS. This update adds detection for those errors and attempts to locate the cause for you automatically. If it can't, it will show you the full list of UI mods so you can only worry about the mods that could possibly cause the issue.

Tentative public release is 9/29 if no issues are found. I may need to make adjustments to the LUIE monitoring so please if you're a tester and have a LUIE that didn't trip BE, bring it to my discord immediately so I can investigate.

v3.0 RC2 Changes:

  • Fixed the infinite scanning page on critical exceptions.

  • Updated CC Tracker to locate CC skintones.

  • Added new records to the Animation Error (ignorable) list.

  • Found and corrected a bug that may have been inhibiting certain types of heuristic scans.

  • Fixed false positives stemming from using a sim as a heuristic seed.

  • Fixed an issue with UI Exception monitoring causing a lastCrash while exiting the game. (harmless but annoying)

v3.0 RC1 Changes:

  • Better Exceptions will now alert you when a lastUIException occurs.
    This usually manifests as visually glitched UI elements as seen above.

  • BE will automatically open the report in your browser and show which mods could be responsible.

  • It will narrow the results when possible, but if the UI exception is too generic, it will list all UI mods (typically players only have 4-5 of these)

  • You can also get an unfiltered list of your UI mods by going into the Better Exceptions welcome menu and clicking "Locate All UI Mods"





I have been unable to see the sim menu for a long time, click on the avatar and nothing appears at all